Integrated Web

Integrated desktops can bring all your applications together in a single, easy-to-read format. This type of solution allows your employees to access critical customer information much faster and easier than constantly jumping from one application to another.

Integrated Web Solutions

You have often heard that time is money, and that certainly rings true in the business world. The more efficient your employees are, the more work they can get done. This usually leads to a better bottom line for your business. Integrated web solutions allow your employees not only to save time but also to have a better user experience. Instead of constantly switching back and forth between different applications, integrated desktop solutions present everything they need through a single interface. Let the expert team at AlioniTech show you how this could work in your organization today.


Integrated Software

Integrated Software Solutions

Integrated software has the ability to make the days of using “Alt+Tab” to switch back and forth between applications obsolete. Corporate applications are often siloed, and different data may be stored in different applications. Your employees likely need access to all this data to get a complete picture of the task at hand. What if they could easily access everything they needed in one spot? This “single pane of glass” view is now possible through the use of integrated software solutions. Not only can integrated solutions make your business more efficient, but your employees usually end up happier as well. They know that it wastes time switching back and forth between different windows and applications. This method can also make it difficult for them to find what they need to get their jobs done. Integrated desktop solutions give them the information they need at their fingertips to assist your customers quickly and efficiently. Let the professional team at AlioniTech show you what is possible today. Our expert programmers are ready to put together a custom solution that will meet all your needs and provide many benefits to your organization.

Integrated Software

The Benefits of Using Integrated Software Solutions

Some of the benefits of using integrated software solutions have already been mentioned, but there are several benefits worthy of more exploration. One of the biggest benefits of these solutions is increased efficiency and time savings. It might not seem that switching between applications takes much time, but think about how that adds up throughout the day. Some employees may switch between applications hundreds of times throughout the day. Additionally, the time it takes to log onto each application every morning really adds up as well. Utilizing an integrated solution will save you time that is much better spent helping customers.

Another benefit of integrated software solutions is business efficiency and cleaner data. When data is housed and updated in different systems, duplicate data can be introduced. There is often no single source of truth, and the data can become outdated or conflicting. An integrated solution allows your employees to maintain your data in only one spot. This keeps your data clean and up-to-date, and it can prevent conflicting data from existing in multiple sources. Given the power of data today and the multiple ways it can be used, having clean and consistent data is extremely valuable.

Scalability and security are two more areas where organizations see benefits from integrated software solutions. Traditional software applications often require more computing power and infrastructure as the number of users increases. However, integrated software solutions can reduce the need for more physical computing power, thus saving you money and space in your data center. Additionally, integrated systems can help make your data more secure by transmitting data securely and directly into your backend system. Fewer end-user connections to your system typically means fewer opportunities for breaches.

Integrated solutions not only improve your business operations, but they can also help lead to more satisfied customers as well. Imagine a customer reaching out to your contact center with a question. If your agent has to switch back and forth between multiple systems to get an answer for the customer, the wait times are not ideal. However, imagine that the agent has everything they need in a single view. They can quickly assist the customer, hence reducing the call time and improving the customer’s satisfaction.

You can see how integrated web solutions can benefit your business in many ways. From increased efficiency to more satisfied customers, these solutions are a win-win for both your employees and customers. If your organization struggles with having siloed applications, let the experts at AlioniTech help you design an integrated desktop solution that can bring them together seamlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some FAQs about AlioniTech’s custom integrated web solutions

Most legacy applications can be integrated into these solutions. Some custom application development may be required, but the team of experts at AlioniTech can take care of it all. Make the lives of your agents and advisors much easier with direct access to all the information they need in a single location by integrating all your backend systems into one integrated desktop solution.

Yes! Many of these solutions are deployed in financial institutions, so those solutions must be FINRA compliant. Integrated software solutions usually contain enhanced security and compliance protocols, so they can make your traditional legacy applications even more secure than they are on their own. Be sure to ask your provider about the security protocols and features that will be implemented in your custom solution.

The cost of developing custom business efficiency solutions depends on your specific needs. Some providers may charge a flat fee based on the size and complexity of the project, or they may charge per hour for development resources. Offshore development resources will typically be less expensive than in-house or local developers. The team at AlioniTech can walk you through your options and provide a quote for your custom development needs.

The time it takes to deploy an integrated web solution for your business depends on several factors. The size and complexity of the project will have a big effect on the length of time it takes to complete it. The more applications you need to integrate, the longer the project will likely take. Additionally, the number of development resources used will also play a role. The more developers you have working on the project, the more quickly it can usually be implemented.

Yes, integrated desktops can typically be accessed from both your phone or tablet. This interoperability and portability are huge benefits of integrated web solutions. Agents and other employees are able to access all the data they need on the go, and everything is available right at their fingertips. The team at AlioniTech can show you exactly how an integrated solution could work for your business.